Categories Of Endorsement

AAIMH WA will endorse workers and professionals from the many disciplines in the infant and family field, in the following four categories:

  • Infant Family Worker (IFW)
  • Infant Family Practitioner (IFP)
  • Infant Mental Health Practitioner (IMHP)
  • Infant Mental Health Mentor (IMHM)

 Each category is designed to capture a specific perspective and experience in this multidisciplinary field of work with babies and very young children (0-36 months) and their families.

The four categories are not hierarchical. They reflect different scopes of work and recognise skills and knowledge, training and position responsibilities that meet best practice standards.

Which category is the best fit for you? 

Category Brief description

Infant Family Worker

Focus on promotion

Workers, practitioners and professionals who are in a position to strengthen the social and emotional development of infants.
For example: early childhood educators, child health nurses, parenting course facilitators, community support workers and others

Qualifications/experience: two years work experience with infants and toddlers from birth to 36 months or certificate/diploma from an accredited provider.

Infant Family Practitioner

Focus on prevention and early intervention

Professionals and practitioners whose work experience comes from providing services with a primary focus on the social-emotional needs of infants and toddlers, with attention to the relationships surrounding the infant/toddler.
For example: child health nurses, nurse practitioners, allied health professionals (OT, speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers) and others

Qualifications/experience: No degree required. Minimum of 2 years paid work experience providing services to 0-36 month olds and their families. Served at least 10 families.

Infant Mental Health Practitioner

Focus on clinical intervention
and/or treatment

Professionals whose role includes intervention or treatment of the infant/toddlers' primary caregiving relationship.
For example: child psychiatrists, GPs, psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, early intervention practitioners, mental health clinicians and consultants, social workers and others

Qualifications/experience: Master’s degree AND 2 years post-Master's, supervised work experience

Infant Mental Health Mentor

Focus on leadership

Professionals whose role focuses on leadership, including advocacy, motivating and development of talent to promote effective infant mental health principles, practice and programs.

Qualifications for the three IMHM categories (Clinical, Policy and Research/Academic:
Professionals who have a Master’s and/or Doctoral degree in a relevant field, or are a qualified medical doctor, and meet the requirements in any of the three categories:

  • Clinical
Experience: Meets the specialised work experience criteria specified for Infant Mental Health Practitioners plus three years post-graduate experience providing infant mental health reflective supervision/ consultation and other leadership activities at regional or state level.

  • Policy
Experience: Three years post-Master's experience as a leader in policy and/or programme administration related to the infant/family field and other leadership activities at regional or state level.

  • Research/Academic

Experience: Three years post-Masters experience as a leader in university-level teaching and/or published research related to the infant/family field and other leadership activities at regional or state level.

Requirements summary and fees

(updated to reflect May 2022 changes)

Categories and fees Education Training Experience Reflective Supervision
Infant Family
Any academic degree OR minimum 2 years infant
and family work experience
30+ hours of  training (average 40 hours) 2 years work experience with infants and young children from birth to 36 months Not required
  • Registration: $50
  • Processing of application: $50
Infant Family
No degree required 30+ hours of defined training 2 years of prevention and/or early intervention service to 0-36 months old and their families. Served a minumum of 10 families 24+ hours over 1-2 years of working with infants, young children and their families
  • Registration: $50
  • Processing of application: $100

Infant Mental Health Practitioner
Master's or Doctorate in defined fields 30+hours of defined training 2 years post-grad supervised IMH work experience (direct services) to infant/caregivers, OR one year supervised postgraduate practicum 50+ hours over 1-2 years of reflective practice
  • Registration: $50
  • Processing of application: $300

Infant Mental Health Mentor Clinical
Master's or Doctorate in defined fields 30+hours of defined training Meets IMHP requirements + 3 years post-grad providing IMH reflective practice supervision/consultation and defined leadership activities 50 hours over 1-2 years of reflective practice
  • Registration: $50
  • Processing of application: $400

Infant Mental Health Mentor Policy
Master's or Doctorate in defined fields 30+hours of defined training 3 years post-grad experience in Policy/Administration related to IMH field and defined leadership activities OPTIONAL:
50 hours over 1-2 years of reflective practice
  • Registration: $50
  • Processing of application: $400

      Infant Mental Health Mentor Research/Academic
      Master's or Doctorate in defined fields 30+hours of defined training 3 years post-grad experience as a leader in university-teaching and/or published research and other defined leadership activities OPTIONAL:
      50 hours over 1-2 years of reflective practice
      • Registration: $50
      • Processing of application: $400

      Requirement details for each category

      The complete details of requirements for each category are listed in the relevant sections of the AAIMH Competency Guidelines®  and can be downloaded below.

      The impact maps provide a visual diagram of how the competencies are linked to responsibilities, outcomes, service objectives and service goals. (Maps are clearer when enlarged to A3.)

      please read the IMH Competency Guidelines in conjunction with
      the 2022 changes to requirements for IMH Endorsement. 

      If you are unsure about the appropriate category for you, please contact the Endorsement Coordinator at

      Please note: The materials supporting AAIMH Endorsement®  are copyrighted by the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH). AAIMH is able to make these materials available to our membership and collaborators through a licensing agreement with MI-AIMH. Copyright law allows individuals to print out or make ONE copy of copyrighted material for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Only one download is allowed per user.

      Learn more:

      Useful resources:

      If you have any questions or need assistance with your registration or application, contact the Endorsement Coordinator at